- 10K Gold Hoops
- 1100
- 1200
- 1400
- 14K Gold
- 14K Gold plated Beads
- 14K Gold-Plated Beads
- 14K Rose Gold
- 1600
- 175
- 1800’s Russian Blue Trade Beads
- 18K Gold
- 1979
- 2003
- 2010
- 2012
- 20K Nunavut Gold
- 225
- 22kt Gold Leaf
- 24K Filled Gold
- 24K Gold
- 24K Gold Chain
- 24K Gold Leaf
- 24K Gold Plated Beads
- 24K Gold-Plated Beads
- 24k Gold Beads
- 24k Gold Delica Beads
- 24k Gold Wire
- 250
- 275
- 2800
- 3 Yukon Gold Nuggets
- 3-Corner Grass
- 300
- 325
- 350
- 375
- 400
- 425
- 450
- 475
- 490
- 500
- 550
- 650
- 750
- 850
- 900
- 950
- Abalone
- Abalone Button
- Abalone Buttons
- Acrylic
- Acrylic On Canvas
- Acrylic On Linen
- Acrylic On Matte Board
- Acrylic On Paper
- Acrylic On Wood
- Acrylic Paint
- Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
- Acrylic on Birch Panel
- Acrylic on Rice Paper
- Acrylic on Wood Panel
- Akulivik
- Alabaster
- Alankan
- Alaska
- Alder
- Aleut
- Aluminum
- Amethyst
- Anishinaabe
- Anishnabe (Ojibwa)
- Anodized Aluminum
- Antler
- Antler Button
- Aqua Tint
- Aquati
- Aquatint
- Aquatint & Chine Collé
- Aquatint & Hand Painting
- Aquatint
- Arches Watercolour Paper
- Arctic Bay
- Arctic Quebec
- Argillite
- Arviat
- Athabaska
- Aulatjut
- Ausittuq (Grise Fiord)
- Available
- Baffin Island
- Baker Lake
- Baleen
- Basalt
- Basswood
- Bead
- Beads
- Beatriz Sobrado Samano
- Beaver Fur
- Birch
- Black Onix
- Black Onyx
- Black Serpentine
- Black Stone
- Blown Glass
- Blown and Sandcarved Glass
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Howlite
- Blue Topaz
- Bone
- Brass
- Brazilian Soapstone
- Brazillian Soapstone
- Bronze
- Broughton
- Broughton Island
- Bugle Beads
- Cable
- Cambridge Bay
- Canvas
- Cape Dorset
- Cape Dorset Annual Print Collection Fall 2014
- Cape Dorset Prints
- Cape Dorset in an Edition of 50 Copies
- Caribou Antler
- Caribou Bone
- Caribou Hair Tufting
- Caribou Hide
- Caribou Skin
- Caribou Skull
- Caribou Tufting
- Cast Glass
- Catlinite
- Cayuga
- Cedar
- Cedar Bark
- Cedar Bark Rope
- Cedar Root
- Ceramic
- Chalk Pastel
- Charcoal
- Charoite
- Cherry
- Chesterfield Inlet
- Chine Collé
- ChineColle
- ChineColle
- Chlorite
- Chrystophase
- Claw
- Claws
- Cloth
- Clyde River
- Coast Salish
- Coin
- Colored Pencil
- Coloured Pencil
- Commercial Tanned Yukon Moose Hide
- Community
- Comox-Kwakwaka'wakw
- Contemporary Beads
- Copper
- Coppermine
- Coral
- Coral Harbour
- Cord
- Crayon
- Cree
- Crystal
- Cultured Rubies
- DR981125
- Dakota/Ojibwa
- Deer Antler
- Deer Bone
- Deer Hide
- Delica Beads
- Dentalium
- Diamond
- Dididaht
- Diptych
- Dolomite
- Dolomite Marble
- Douglas Fir Frames
- Ebony
- Edition 25/50
- Edmonton
- Elk Hide
- Elm
- Embroidery
- Emerald
- Emeralds
- Engraving
- Ermine
- Etching
- Etching & Aquatint
- Etching & Aquatint with Hand Colouring
- Etching & Chine Collé
- Etching and Aquatint
- Exclusive Limited
- Exclusive Limited Edition
- Fabric
- Feather
- Feathers
- Felt
- Felt Pen
- Fish Skin
- Fishing Line
- Floss
- Foliage
- Fort Simpson
- Freehand Brush
- Freshwater Pearl
- Fur
- Furniture Tacks
- Garnet
- Germaine Arnaktauyok
- Giclee
- Giclée
- Gitksan
- Gitxsan
- Gjoa Haven
- Glass
- Glass Plate Print
- Goat Hair
- Gold
- Gold Beads
- Gold Leaf
- Goose Bay
- Gourd
- Granite
- Graphite
- Graphite Drawing
- Graphite on BFK Reeves Paper Woven
- Grass
- Green Dentalium
- Greenland
- Gwich'in
- Gwich'in/ Northern Tutchone/ Hän
- Haida
- Haida/Cree
- Hair
- Haisla
- Hall Bay
- Hall Beach
- Han Hwech'in
- Hand Coloured
- Hand Colouring
- Hand Spun Wool
- Hand-Colouring
- Handcrafted Steel
- Hazelton
- Heat Patinated Copper
- Heiltsuk
- Hide
- Hinton
- Holman
- Home Tanned Moose Hide
- Horn
- Horse Hair
- Human Hair
- Igloolik
- Illustrated with Three Copperplate Engravings
- Ink
- Interior Salish
- Inukjuak
- Inukjuaq
- Inuvialuit
- Iqaluit
- Ivory
- Ivujivik
- JW170301
- JW170302
- JW170305
- JW170306
- JW170307
- JW170310
- JW170311
- JW170321
- Jade
- James Houston
- Jutai Toonoo
- Kangiqliniq (Rankin Inlet)
- Kangiqsualujjuaq
- Kangirsuk
- Kaska Dene
- Kaska/Tlingit
- Kawkwaka'wakw
- Keewatin
- Keewatin Region
- Kimmirut
- Kinngait
- Kinngait (Cape Dorset)
- Kitikmeot
- Kitikmeot Region
- Kivalliq?
- Koa
- Kugluktuk
- Kulusuk
- Kuujjuaq
- Kuujjuaraapik
- Kuujjuarapik
- Kwak'waka'wakw
- Kwakiutl
- Kwakwak'wakw
- Kwakwaka'wakw
- Kwakwaka’wakw
- Kwanlin Dun
- Labradorite
- Laminated Silver
- Lapis Lazuli
- Laser cut
- Leather
- Lek-Kwil-Taich
- Likely Hall Bead
- Likely Iqaluit
- Linocut
- Linocut
- Lithogra
- Lithograph
- Lithograph & Stencil
- Lithograph
- Mahogany
- Mammoth Ivory
- Mammoth Molar
- Mammoth Tooth
- Maple
- Maple Wood
- Marble
- Mastodon Ivory
- Mat Board
- Melton Wool
- Metal
- Metal Stand
- Metis
- Mixed Media
- Mixed Media Collage
- Moonstone
- Moose Antler
- Moose Hide
- Moose Horn
- Mt. Curry
- Musk Ox Horn
- Muskox Horn
- Muskrat
- Nails
- Nain
- Nak'azdli
- Narwhal Tusk
- Naujaat (Repulse Bay)
- Nenets
- Nickel
- Nisga'a
- Nisga'a-Tahltan-Tlingit
- Nisga’a
- Nisga’a/ Heiltsuk
- Non-Indigenous
- North Buffin Island
- Northen Spruce
- Northern Lights
- Northern Tutchone
- Northern Tutchone -Tlingit
- Northern Tutchone/ Gwich'in/ Han Hwech'in
- Nunavik
- Nunavut
- Nutik
- Nuu Chah Nulth
- Nuu-Chah-Nulth
- Nuxalk
- Oak
- Oak Frame
- Oil
- Oil Stick
- Oil on Canvas
- Ojibwa
- Ojibway
- Ojibwe
- Old Crow
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Onyx
- Operculum
- Ottawa
- Oweekeno
- Pangnirgtung
- Pangnirtung
- Pangnirtung?
- Paper
- Pastel
- Paua Shell
- Paulatuk
- Pearl
- Pelly Bay
- Pencil
- Pencil Crayons on Arches Watercolour Paper
- Pentel Pen
- Peridot
- Pine
- Plaster
- Plastic
- Pond Inlet
- Porcupine Quail
- Porcupine Quill
- Porcupine Quills
- Port Burwell
- Possibly Alaskan
- Possibly Arctic Bay
- Possibly Kimmirut
- Possibly Kugluktuk
- Possibly Nunavik
- Possibly Pond Inlet
- Possibly Qamani'tuaq (Baker Lake)
- Possibly Rankin Inlet
- Possibly Spence Bay
- Poster
- Povungnituk
- Powder Coated Aluminum
- Printed at Kingnait Press
- Puvirnituq
- Pyrite
- Pyroxene
- Pyroxine
- Pyroxine & Antler
- Qamani'tuaq (Baker Lake)
- Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake)
- Qikiqtarjuaq
- Quebec Stone
- Rag Matte Board
- Rankin Inlet
- Ranking Inlet
- Red Cedar
- Red Cedar Bark
- Reindeer Antler
- Repulse Bay
- Rondelle Beads
- Rope
- Ross River
- Ruby
- Salish
- Salluit
- Sand Carved Glass
- Sanikiluak
- Sanikiluaq
- Sanirajak
- Sanirajak (Hall Beach)
- Sapphire
- Screenprint
- Sculpture
- Seal Skin
- Seal Whiskers
- Sealskin
- Sedge Grass
- Seed Beads
- Selkirk
- Serigraph
- Serpentine
- Serpentine & Antler
- Seven Colour
- Sheephorn
- Shuhta Dene
- Siberia
- Siberian Ivory
- Silk
- Silkscreen
- Siltstone
- Silver
- Silver Chain
- Silver Leaf
- Silver Plated
- Silver with Gold Overlay
- Sinew
- Siver
- Six Plate
- Skin
- Skin Leather
- Soapstone
- Soul To Soul
- Southern Tutchone
- Spence Bay
- Spirit in Motion – all
- Spruce Root
- Squamish
- Squamish/Haida/Tsimshian
- St. Lawrence Island Alaska
- Stained Glass
- Stained glass panel
- Stainless Steel
- Steatite
- Steatite & Antler
- Steel
- Stencil
- Stencil with Blind Embossing
- Stencil
- Stoncut
- Stone
- Stone?
- Stonecut
- Stonecut & Stencil
- Stonecut& Stencil
- Stonecut
- String
- Stroud
- Suede
- Sugar Lift
- Sugarlift
- Swarovski Crystals
- Tagish
- Tahltan
- Tahltan-Tlingit
- Tahltan-Tlingit-Tsimshian
- Tahltan-Tlingit/Nisga'a
- Tahltan/Tlinght
- Taloyoak
- Tanned Caribou Hide
- Tasiilaq
- Teak
- Thread
- Tlingit
- Tlingit 24 K Gold Plated Rose
- Tourquoise
- Trade Beads
- Ts'msyen
- Tsavorite Garnet
- Tsawataineuk
- Tsimshian
- Tuktoyaktuk
- Turquoise
- Tutchone
- Twine
- Uluhaktok
- Ulukhaktok
- Ulukhaktok (Holman)
- Umiujaq
- Vegetable Ivory
- Vertebra Bone
- Vintage 1951 Sears Roebuck and Co. Wallpaper Samples
- Vintage Beads
- Vuntut Gwitchin
- Walrus Tusk
- Walrus Tusk Ivory
- Water Colour
- Watercolour
- Western Maple
- Whale Tooth
- Whalebone
- White Marble
- Whitehorse
- Wood
- Wood Framed
- Woodburn on Gourd
- Woodcut
- Woodcut???
- Wool
- Yellow Cedar
- Yellowknife
- Yew
- Yew Wood
- Yukon
- Yup'ik
- intaglio
- kaska
- namgis
- whale cove
01. Friends For Now
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
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02. Walrus With Pup
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
03. Powerful Falcon
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
10.Reclining Walrus
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
11. Mother Nursing Child
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
13.Dancing Walrus
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
14. Seal and Spirits
Artist Leo Ottaq
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.
Artist Anilnik Peelaktoak
This item is not available in Shopping Cart. Please contact the Gallery.