The traditional Inuit view of the world is one of intrinsic connections between all things. Whether they are the integral ones of family ties, as exemplified by the sensitive portrayals of mother and child, or those connections to nature depicted in the dynamic representations of the hunt, or simply to the animals themselves. Inuit art in general, is all about connections.
The family unit has always been at the core of Inuit life and continues to be a vital element that provides a secure frame of reference for the individual as the northern Canadian communities experience dramatic and rapid changes to their lifestyle. Images of mothers with their children, are testimony to the strong bond that is shared, whether between humans or animals.
The Inuit are also intimately linked to the spirit world and images of transformations convey their sense of awe at this mysterious aspect of life. Invisible threads spin outward from every inhabitant of the temporal and ethereal worlds and it is this sense of connection that the artists presented in this collection have eloquently captured in stone.