Shuvinai Ashoona: Merged Realities 2013
"Sometimes the pencil is stronger than I am". These are the words of Cape Dorset artist Shuvinai Ashoona describing her creative process, one in which her unconscious mind directs her art.
The body of work in this exhibition dates from some of her earliest efforts in 1992, when she first began drawing and mostly ending in 2004, a point at which her work had garnered critical acclaim as well as a devoted following of art lovers. Two words often used to describe her creations during this time period are intense and otherworldly, and that is manifest in many of the examples included in this grouping. We are particularly pleased to have a number of the densely worked ink drawings from the early 2000’s.
© Copyright 2014 Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Ltd.
Albino Sedna
Artist Shuvinai Ashoona
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