Kaka Ashoona
(1928 – 1996)
First exhibited in 1953 at the tender age of 25, Kaka Ashoona is the older brother of acclaimed Cape Dorset artist Kiawak Ashoona and the son of the late graphic artist, Pitseolak Ashoona. Kaka’s early life was spent hunting and living on the land in the traditional Inuit manner, until he began carving as a means of earning extra income for his family. Although he was based in Cape Dorset, Kaka often went on excursions to quarry his own serpentine stone and exclusively used hand tools throughout his career. Kaka’s carvings are often highly polished, elaborately carved works featuring dynamic animal and human representations that hearken to traditional Inuit legend and mythology. Kaka’s artistic vision has since his inspired his three children, Siassie Kenneally, Ottokie Ashoona, and Ohito Ashoona, to become celebrated artists in their own right.