Wade Baker
(Kwakwaka’wakw-Coast Salish)
Wade Baker is a self-taught artist, taking inspiration from traditions passed on via family legends and stories. His mother, Emily Nelson Baker, is a hereditary chief of the Kingcome Inlet, Kwakiutl Nation people while his late father, Daniel Baker, was of Coast Salish descent. Born in Vancouver in 1956, Wade’s early exposure to the spiritual and cultural significance of traditional ceremonies and objects is evident in his often complex and highly detailed artistry, which often combines brilliant colors and modern forms to create works that appeal both to traditional and modern collectors. In 2000, he won a competition to design a coin held by the Royal Canadian Mint. He was also commissioned to design trophies for winners of the 2004 adidas Vancouver International Marathon. Wade currently lives in Vancouver where he creates totem poles, masks, and paintings.