William Callaghan
(1981 – 2020, Teslin-Tlingit)
Teslin-Tlingit artist William Callaghan was a carver, jeweler, and graphic artist who worked as a full-time artist from 2005 to 2020. He was born in Whitehorse, Yukon and was a member of the Dakhlaweidi clan and the Orca and Eagle were his family crests. William began carving when he was just nineteen, collaborating on a bear mask with celebrated artist Eugene Alfred. Upon joining the Sundog carving program in 2005, William decided to pursue a career as an artist. Stylistically, he embraced Tlingit design infused with his personal experiences. In 2006, three of his carvings were displayed in the United Nations building in New York City and in 2007 one of his masks was presented to the Former Governor General Michelle Jean. William was working towards his Bachelors degree in Fine Art at Vancouver’s Emily Carr University of Art and Design and was an active participant in the school's Aboriginal Initiatives.