
Ntslha Slhiixw

Artist Kyle Tallio

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Birch, Paua Shell
5” x 4.5” x 3.25”


“Ntslha Slhiixw” - Her name is Slhiixw/Treasure

The title ”Ntslha Slhiixw”, a play on words is inspired by the history in my family at Nusq’alst of a young girl during the time of Smallpox that got sick while her family was travelling around and her father, also a Staltmc(Hereditary Chief) took her to an island - left her things like food and firewood then left her there. She survived and was found by a Fort Rupert Chief who took her in and raised her as his own, she married a man named John Clayton and had a child, Willie Mack. This is an important part of my families history.
Something that I share a lot is this idea that one of the greatest Nuxalk desires is to “make good the path” for future generations- Putl’alt(those not yet born). This very small carving is inspired by an old example of a Nuxalk children’s mask - and I wanted to make this in the likeness of the look of awe.