
Wolf Moon: Raven

Artist Leah Pipe

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Hazelton (Non-Indigenous), 2020
Acrylic on Canvas   
12” x 12”

Ravens and wolves help each other survive the winter. Being land-based, wolves really on their sense of smell and eyesight to locate prey but the Raven has the gift of flight and can sight a fallen animal over great distances. Depending on the wind currents, wolves can miss carrion altogether and face starvation as a result. One fallen caribou can feed a pack of wolves and possibly ensure their survival until spring. Ravens' beaks are not tough or sharp enough to break through hide and fur, so they alert their wolf friends, inviting them to dine first. The wolves, with their sharp teeth, open the hides and eat their fill of muscle and tissue, leaving the tendons and bones for the Ravens. This painting is more of a portrait of the Raven’s eye than anything else.  

- Leah Pipe